Main Calendar
Tree Fund Webinar: Long Term Effects of Electrical Right-of-Way Vegetation Management On Floral and Faunal Communities
1:00 PM
Dr. Carolyn Mahan will present her recent updates from her State Games Land project, “Long term effects of electrical right-of-way vegetation management on floral and faunal communities”. State Games Land Project is a partnership supported by Asplundh ...
Tree Decay-Testing, Biology, Bio-Mechanics
The information provided in this workshop will assist you in managing trees with decay more effectively.
Norfolk Aggie Green Industry Career and Demo Day
If any companies or municipalities would like to participate contact Nicole Forsyth at
MTWFA PDS - Proper Tree Planting
11:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Successful tree establishment depends on proper planting. Adherence to industry best management practices (BMPs) will result in fewer girdling roots, better plant performance, and higher survival rates. Sign up now to learn what you need to ...
DCR Forest Health Walk - Mt. Greylock State Reservation
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Join DCR Forest Health Director, Nicole Keleher, hiing a portion of Mount Greylock to identify different tree species and the forest health issues affecting them. We will be discussing the emerald ash borer, beech leaf disease, oak wilt, and a few ...
Enhancing Collaboration amongst Urban Forest Stakeholders – An Assessment of Natural Hazard Risk Perceptions in Relation to the Services and Disservices of City Trees
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Tree Fund Webinar: Mysha Clarke and Stephanie Cadaval will present their findings from their project, “Enhancing collaboration amongst urban forest stakeholders – An assessment of natural hazard risk perceptions in relation to the services and ...
Urban Forestry Today Tree Summit - Invasive Insect and Disease Update
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
From Emerald Ash Borer to Spotted Lanternfly to Beech leaf disease, our urban trees face a plethora of invasive disease and insect pests. Join Dr. Richard Cowles, CT Agricultural Experiment Station, as he provides an update on these and other important ...
Protecting the Public from Illegal and Unregistered Pesticides (Free Webinar)
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
EPA Integrated Pest Management Webinar
DCR Forest Health Walk - South Cape Beach State Park
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Join Forest Health Director, Nicole Keleher to learn about Southern Pine Beetle and the risk it poses to our pitch pine forests. We will cover signs and symptoms to look for, as well as discussing SPB management techniques.
DCR Forest Health Walk - Wells State Park
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Join Forest Health Specialist Felicia Hubacz for a walk on Mill Pond Trail where we will look at Emerald Ash borer damage, discuss hemlock and white pine health among other topics. Bring your questions!
MTWFA PDS - Chainsaw Safety
7:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Successful tree establishment depends on proper planting. Adherence to industry best management practices (BMPs) will result in fewer girdling roots, better plant performance, and higher survival rates. Sign up now to learn what you need to ...
DCR Forest Health Walk - Maudslay State Park
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Join Forest Health Specialist Tom Prior at Maudslay State Park as we discuss a litany of Forest Health threats including Hemlock woolly adelgid, White Pine Needle Disease, Beech leaf disease and Emerald Ash Borer. We will also be discussing the efforts ...
DCR Forest Health Walk - Purgatory Chasm State Reservation
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Danielle Johnson will be leading a walk and talk along Charley's Loop focusing on forest health issues affecting the chasm. Issues include hemlock woolly adelgid, elongate hemlock scale, spongy moth among other pests as well as the unique obstacles ...
DCR Forest Health Walk - Mohawk Trail State Forest
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Join Forest Health Specialist, Eric Peterson at Mohawk Trail State Forest to hike and learn about the different pests and pathogens affecting the forests of the Commonwealth. We will be discussing beech leaf disease, emerald ash borer, white pine ...
Tree Fund Webinar: Policy Strategies to Value and Retain Mature Urban Trees on Private Lands
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
JD Brown, lawyer and planner, explores the intersection of urban planning and policy frameworks to help cities nurture abundant, biodiverse, and equitably accessible nature. He has authored an array of guiding documents to assist cities and ...
Prescription Pruning Qualification (NEISA)
This practical, applied program guides arborists through the process of strategically planning, specifying, and implementing an objective-based pruning approach. It will make you a better arborist by showing you how to incorporate industry standards ...