Grade 4 Arborist (2) - Town of Lexington
GR4 Arborist /DPW Forestry Division
vacancies for TWO (2) Grade 4 Arborist’s position
Participate in the removal, pruning, trimming, planting, and watering and general maintenance of trees and shrubbery. Participate in the streetlight maintenance program. This position may also require operation of chain saws, stump and brush grinders, and aerial bucket truck or like equipment, grapple or logging truck, and chippers.
- Possession of an appropriate level, valid commercial CDL class B driver’s license with general knowledge of airbrakes.
- Possession of an appropriate level valid hydraulics license.
- Possession of, or an ability to obtain, valid EHAP Certification.
- Ability to work independently and as a team member in the Forestry Division to achieve department goals and objectives.
- Assist with loaming and seeding areas where stumps were ground. Fertilize, and water trees: conduct follow up maintenance on grounds and areas around trees: apply pesticide and participate in activities to remove weeds, poison ivy and other vegetation, as well as insect and parasites.
- Climb trees using the appropriate equipment and apparatus, operate a bucket truck and other related equipment to trim and remove trees: follow appropriate safety guidelines to conduct aerial work and work around power lines.
- Operate, repair, and maintain clippers, chainsaws, and other equipment.
- Participate in snow removal operations and other inclement weather events.
- Install and remove holiday lights and decorations: assist in Christmas tree recycling program: operate tree chipper with a winch.
SALARY: $26.52/hr. and benefits
Qualified applicants must fill out an application on the Towns Website. www.lexingtonma.gov/humanresources or contact at 781-698-4590. A detailed copy of the job description is available in Human Resources 1625 Massachusetts Ave Lexington MA.